- New product introductions
- Planning and engineering
- Free Tech Support for established customers
- Tech Support by the hour charge (minimum ½ hr, Credit Card only)
- Express Service Repair (3 day turn-a-round in most cases)
- Equipment Repair
- IT & Telecom Inventory Management
- System Analysis & Site Assessments
- Percentage Discounts for Volume Orders
- Financing options
ACSI's Service Philosophy
We at American Communications Supply Inc., understand the complex interactions between the strategy, systems, applications, and people. In everything we do, we know that serving the client is most important so we deliver only the best products, services, and solutions to our customers.
Service Beyond the Expectations of the Customer
American Communications Supply Inc.'s very successful 30+ year track record is due to several critical factors including:
- Providing excellent service and business solutions to our clients
- Highly competent management personnel experienced in their industries
- State-of-the-art management systems
- Solid understanding of products, services, and solutions in our marketplace
- Excellent market knowledge
- Solid market positioning
- Staying current with changes in the marketplace
- Excellent client relations and understanding of our customers' needs
- Offering integrated business solutions that result in more efficient, cost effective customer operations
- Forming strategic partnerships to expand and enhance our comprehensive products and services offerings
- Value-added service provider
- Highly trained & experienced sales force
Each of our principal managers has accrued years of service in government and industry, experience that equips them for rapid, competent decision-making and problem-solving. Their management sophistication prepares them to effectively manage the design, development, and delivery of service.
American Communications Supply Inc. is of a size that allows for flexibility and accessibility. Top management is readily available for consultation. This structured yet informal environment allows for rapid response to change and fast conflict resolution
American Communications Supply Inc. incorporates the best features of project management and functional division management systems. This mix insures planning and hiring flexibility and full access to advanced technical resources. A sound management technique and the systematic assignment of tasks within the management team make measurable contributions to project success and customer satisfaction.
Value-added Service
American Communications Supply Inc. We do the leg work for our customers by providing them up to date information on new technology to enhance their products to their clients.